It is the way it is...that my heart would cry and sigh in ties
Don't want sadness to last anymore and that's for sure
Oh but the hardest part is when my heart can't follow yours
When will all this fighting end? Oh~
憂いTomorrow 心に揺れたメランコリー
今年もここに 瞳映る君色グラフィティ 勿忘草(わすれなぐさ)がそっと香るね
はしゃいだ二人 記憶は悪戯な blue season 色褪せないよ ずっと君に恋してる
It is the way it is...that you always can't have what you want
That you have to face it, and must still go on and on
And everyday, I feel that I am stronger that before
When will all this loving end? Oh~
いつも隣 勇気をくれた眼差し
誓いを指に 純な気持ち綴ったペアリング 気まぐれな通り雨に濡れたね
「I love you」今も届けたい大切な人 あの夏の日に サヨナラ乗り越えて.....
今年もここに 瞳映る君色グラフィティ 勿忘草(わすれなぐさ)がそっと香るね
はしゃいだ二人 記憶は悪戯な blue season 色褪せないよ ずっと君に恋してる